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Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Salary in Tallassee, AL

Average Annual salary $46,841.60

Average Hourly Salary $22.52

Population 5,199

Salary Range

25% $32.2 k10% $21.7 k90% $169.9 k75% $61.5 k $46.8 k50%(Median)

Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Salary in Tallassee, AL

About Diagnostic Medical Sonographers

Diagnostic Medical Sonographers, also known as ultrasound technicians, are medical professionals who specialize in using ultrasound technology to produce images of internal organs and tissues for diagnostic purposes. They work closely with physicians to diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions. Diagnostic Medical Sonographers typically work in hospitals, clinics, or diagnostic laboratories. They use specialized equipment to direct high-frequency sound waves into a patients body, creating real-time images of internal organs and tissues. These images are then used by physicians to diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions, such as pregnancy complications, heart disease, and cancer. In addition to performing diagnostic tests, Diagnostic Medical Sonographers also play an important role in patient care. They may explain procedures to patients, record medical histories, and maintain patient records. To become a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, one must complete an accredited sonography program, which typically takes two to four years. Certification is available through professional organizations and may be required by some employers or state licensing boards. Continuing education is also required to maintain certification and stay current with advances in sonography technology.

National salary Vs City Salary

In Tallassee, AL Diagnostic Medical Sonographers on an average earn $46,841.60 a year ($22.52 per hour)

In the US Diagnostic Medical Sonographers on an average earn $77,740.00 a year ( $37.38 per hour)

$77.7k United States tallassee, al $46.8k$59.6k $101.7k

Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Salary in Tallassee, AL

- How much do Diagnostic Medical Sonographers make in Tallassee, AL?

In Tallassee, AL a Diagnostic Medical Sonographers makes on average $46,841.60 a year ($22.52 per hour)

- What do new Diagnostic Medical Sonographers make in Tallassee, AL?

In Tallassee, AL entry-level Diagnostic Medical Sonographers makes on average $17,492.80 a year ($8.41 per hour)

- What do experienced Diagnostic Medical Sonographers make in Tallassee, AL?

In Tallassee, AL experienced Diagnostic Medical Sonographers makes on average $76,190.40 a year ($36.63 per hour)

Salaries of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers by State