Obstetrics (OB) Nurse Resume Sample: Giving expectant mothers care with compassion

Obstetrics (OB) Nurse Resume Sample

Download free Obstetrics (OB) Nurse Resume Sample and utilize the editable word format resume sample to create your own resume.


The obstetrics (OB) nurse is a very important part of the delivery room. She provides specialized care to pregnant women during pregnancy, delivery and after the baby is born. OB nurses should showcase their skills and experience in this rewarding area by crafting a unique resume. In this section, we’ll show you an example of a complete resume for an obstetrics nurse that demonstrates your skills, dedication to maternal care, and desire to help families at this important time.

1. Choose the right format for your resume

Use a reverse-chronological format to place your most recent experiences and accomplishments at the top of your obstetrics nurse resume. This format allows employers to see how you’ve grown in your job and what skills are most important to them right away.

2. Write a good summary of your work experience.

Start your resume with a strong professional summary that shows how much you know about maternity nursing and how much you want to help expectant mothers. Keep it short and to the point and highlight your years of experience in caring for mothers.

3. Tell us about your education and credentials.

As a maternity nurse, your resume should show that you have a degree and specific training. List your nursing degree and, if you have them, any other certifications related to obstetrics or maternal care. Mention any workshops or special lessons you have taken.

4. Talk about your experience of giving birth

Under “Work Experience”, give a complete description of your jobs and responsibilities as a maternity nurse. Show how much you know about pregnancy care, labor and delivery, and postpartum care. Include any other skills such as fetal observation and giving CPR to newborns.

5. Showcase your people skills

Obstetric nurses spend a lot of time with pregnant women and their families. During this important and emotional time, you should emphasize your ability to provide emotional support, clear communication, and caring care.

6. Talk about how well you work together and as a team

In the delivery room, teamwork is important. Demonstrate that you can work well with doctors, midwives and other healthcare workers to ensure patients receive complete and coordinated care.

7. Show that you know how to follow safety rules.

As an OB nurse, patient safety is the most important thing. Show what you know about maternity safety rules, ways to prevent infections and what to do in an emergency during childbirth.

8. Use key words and key phrases

Include keywords and phrases from the job description to help applicant tracking systems (ATS) find your resume. ATS looks for certain words in resumes, so using them strategically will increase your chances of getting selected.

9. Be sure to include continuing education

It is important for obstetric nurses to keep up with the latest changes in their field. List any workshops, conferences, or continuing education classes you’ve taken to show you’re committed to professional growth.

10. Volunteer and get involved in the community

Include any volunteer work you’ve done with women’s health organizations or neighborhood events related to maternal care on your resume. Volunteer work shows how much you want to make a difference in obstetrics.

11. Proofread and revise your work carefully

Before you send your maternity nurse resume, check it carefully for mistakes and typos. In nursing, it’s important to pay attention to the little things, and a well-written resume shows that you want to do your best.

12. Make each application unique

Make sure your maternity nurse resume is tailored to each job you apply for. Demonstrate experiences and skills that match the specific requirements of the job you are applying for. This will make your application more relevant to what the company is looking for.

A well-written maternity nurse resume is important if you want to show how knowledgeable you are about maternal care and how committed you are to helping expectant mothers through one of the most important times in their lives. By following the tips in this article and using a sample resume for a maternity nurse, you can create a strong document that will stand out to potential employers. Focus on your medical skills, compassionate care for patients and good communication to show that you will be an asset to any maternity ward.


1. How long should my application for maternity nurse be?

A resume for a maternity nurse should be between one and two pages. Keep the document short by emphasizing important experiences and qualifications.

2. Should I put on my resume that I worked with high-risk pregnancies?

Absolutely! Showcase any experience you have with high-risk pregnancies as this shows you can provide expert care and deal with complex cases.

3. As a maternity nurse, can I say that I have worked with newborns?

Yes, if you’ve worked with newborns, put that on your resume. Your experience with neonatal care shows how well you know how to care for babies.

4. How can I show that I can provide emotional support to expectant women?

Mention times when you helped someone feel better when you taught them how to give birth or met with them for therapy.

5. Do I need a cover letter when I send my resume?

Although it’s not required, a well-written cover letter gives you an opportunity to show how interested you are in the job and how qualified and committed you are to obstetric nursing. You may want to include a cover letter with your resume.

As a skilled and caring maternity nurse, your resume is a powerful tool to help you land the opportunity to provide excellent care to mothers. Customize your resume to showcase your unique skills and strengths, and you’ll have a better chance of landing the perfect obstetrics nursing job. Good luck in your job hunt!