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Exercise Physiologists Salary in Toledo, OH

Average Annual salary $48,568.00

Average Hourly Salary $23.35

Population 490,832

Salary Range

25% $40.5 k10% $36.5 k90% $162.1 k75% $56.7 k $48.6 k50%(Median)

Exercise Physiologists Salary in Toledo, OH

About Exercise Physiologists

Exercise physiologists are healthcare professionals who specialize in understanding the physiological and metabolic responses of the body to physical activity and exercise. They use this knowledge to design and implement exercise programs for individuals with various health conditions, injuries, or disabilities. Exercise physiologists typically have a degree in exercise science, physiology, or a related field, and may hold additional certifications in areas such as strength and conditioning, athletic training, or clinical exercise physiology. They work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, rehabilitation centers, fitness centers, and sports medicine clinics. Their responsibilities include assessing clients fitness levels, developing exercise programs tailored to their needs and goals, monitoring their progress, and adjusting the program as needed. They also educate clients about the benefits of physical activity, proper exercise technique, and injury prevention. Exercise physiologists play a vital role in promoting healthy lifestyle habits and improving the overall well-being of individuals through exercise.

National salary Vs City Salary

In Toledo, OH Exercise Physiologists on an average earn $48,568.00 a year ($23.35 per hour)

In the US Exercise Physiologists on an average earn $47,940.00 a year ( $23.05 per hour)

$47.9k United States toledo, oh $48.6k$36.9k $77k

Exercise Physiologists Salary in Toledo, OH

- How much do Exercise Physiologists make in Toledo, OH?

In Toledo, OH a Exercise Physiologists makes on average $48,568.00 a year ($23.35 per hour)

- What do new Exercise Physiologists make in Toledo, OH?

In Toledo, OH entry-level Exercise Physiologists makes on average $32,364.80 a year ($15.56 per hour)

- What do experienced Exercise Physiologists make in Toledo, OH?

In Toledo, OH experienced Exercise Physiologists makes on average $64,771.20 a year ($31.14 per hour)

Salaries of Exercise Physiologists by State