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Occupational Therapists Salary in Oakwood, OH

Average Annual salary $61,900.80

Average Hourly Salary $29.76

Population 9,470

Salary Range

25% $36.8 k10% $15.9 k90% $235.9 k75% $87 k $61.9 k50%(Median)

Occupational Therapists Salary in Oakwood, OH

About Occupational Therapists

Occupational therapists (OTs) are healthcare professionals who help people improve their ability to perform everyday activities, such as self-care, work, and leisure. They work with people of all ages who have physical, mental, or developmental disabilities, injuries, or illnesses that affect their ability to function independently. OTs use a client-centered approach to help individuals set goals and develop strategies to achieve them. They evaluate a persons abilities and limitations, and then develop a customized treatment plan that may include exercises, adaptive equipment, and environmental modifications. OTs also provide education and training to individuals and their caregivers on how to use adaptive equipment and perform activities safely and effectively. They may work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, and community-based programs. OTs are trained in anatomy, physiology, and psychology, as well as the use of therapeutic techniques and equipment. They may also specialize in certain areas, such as pediatrics, geriatrics, mental health, or hand therapy.

National salary Vs City Salary

In Oakwood, OH Occupational Therapists on an average earn $61,900.80 a year ($29.76 per hour)

In the US Occupational Therapists on an average earn $85,570.00 a year ( $41.14 per hour)

$85.6k United States oakwood, oh $61.9k$60.7k $123.8k

Occupational Therapists Salary in Oakwood, OH

- How much do Occupational Therapists make in Oakwood, OH?

In Oakwood, OH a Occupational Therapists makes on average $61,900.80 a year ($29.76 per hour)

- What do new Occupational Therapists make in Oakwood, OH?

In Oakwood, OH entry-level Occupational Therapists makes on average $11,752.00 a year ($5.65 per hour)

- What do experienced Occupational Therapists make in Oakwood, OH?

In Oakwood, OH experienced Occupational Therapists makes on average $112,049.60 a year ($53.87 per hour)

Salaries of Occupational Therapists by State