Aspiring Nurse Entry-Level Resume Sample

Entry level nurse sample resume

Are you interested in becoming a nurse and want to get started in the health care field? It can be hard to make a resume for your first job that stands out, but with the right method, you can show off your skills and passion for nursing well in your Nurse Entry-Level Resume. This article will give you a complete example of an entry-level resume for a nurse-to-be, as well as helpful tips on how to make a resume that will get you an interview.


A resume for an entry-level nurse is the best way to get an employer’s attention. It is your first impression and should show what you have learned, what you can do, and how much you care about nursing. Even if you don’t have a lot of work experience, you can show that you are qualified for the job with a well-written resume.

The Importance of an Entry-Level Nurse Resume

If you want to be a nurse but don’t have much work experience, your resume is the best way for recruiters and hiring managers to figure out how good you could be. Even if you don’t have a lot of work experience, a well-written resume can highlight your academic successes and practical skills to make up for it.

Formatting Your Resume

Before you start writing, it’s important to make sure your resume is formatted properly. Formatting your resume correctly will make it easy to read and well-organized. Your first-year nurse resume should have the following headings:

Contact Information

Put your full name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of your resume. Make sure the information is professional and up-to-date.

Professional Summary

Write a short, powerful recap that shows how much you care about nursing and what makes you a good healthcare worker.

Education and Certifications

Include your nursing degree, the name and address of the school you went to, and the date you graduated. Also, list any licenses that are important.

Clinical Rotations and Practical Experience

Tell us about the clinical rotations and real experiences you had while you were learning to be a nurse. Pay attention to the skills you learned during these times.

Skills and Qualifications

List your nursing skills, like how you take care of patients, give them medicine, and make medical charts. You should list both technical and nontechnical skills.

Extracurricular Activities and Volunteer Work

Show how committed you are to the field by mentioning any extracurricular activities, nursing-related clubs, or charity work you’ve done.


You can say that references are available if asked, but you don’t have to put them on your resume.

Tips for Writing an Entry-Level Nurse Resume

Putting together an excellent resume for an entry-level nurse requires paying attention to details and making smart choices. Here are some tips that will help you make a resume that stands out:

Highlight Your Educational Background

As a nurse just starting out, your schooling is a very important asset. Put this part near the top of your resume to get the attention of the interviewer.

Emphasize Relevant Clinical Rotations and Practical Experience

Since you may not have much work experience, pay attention to the hands-on training you get during clinical rotations and practical training.

Showcase Key Nursing Skills

Use a separate area to list your nursing skills, like assessing patients, taking care of wounds, or managing medications.

Demonstrate Soft Skills

Focus on soft skills like communication, teamwork, and understanding in addition to technical skills. These skills are highly valued in the nursing field.

Include Extracurricular Activities and Volunteer Work

Volunteering and leisure activities can show that you are passionate about nursing and want to help people.

Tailor Your Resume to the Job Description

Change your resume each time you apply for a job so that it fits the specific needs and keywords listed in the job description.

Use Action Verbs

Start your bullet points with action verbs to make your accomplishments stand out.

Keep It Simple and Easy to Read

Avoid clutter and use a clean style and layout that is easy to read. Your resume should only be one or two pages long.

Proofread Thoroughly

Spelling mistakes and other mistakes can hurt your chances, so read over your resume several times before sending it in.

Entry-Level Nurse Resume Sample

Putting together a resume for a new nurse is an important step on the way to becoming a professional nurse. By using the example and following the tips, you can make an impressive resume that shows your potential, skills, and commitment to the nursing field. Make sure to change your resume for each job application and carefully check it to make sure there are no mistakes.


Q: What if I haven’t worked much as a nurse before?

A: In your resume, put the most emphasis on your education, clinical rotations, and skills that are related to the job.

Q: Can I put my work as a volunteer on my resume?

A: Absolutely! Volunteer work can show that you are interested in nursing and want to give back to the community.

How long should my resume be for a first job as a nurse?

A: You should try to keep your resume to one or two pages and put the most important information on those pages.

Q: Should I use a resume template made by a professional?

A: Your resume will be easier to read if you use a clean, professional style.

Q: Should I list my recommendations on my resume?

A: Putting names on your resume is not required. You can say that they are ready if someone asks for them.