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Cadia Healthcare


About Cadia Healthcare

Cadia Healthcare has provided rehabilitation,
skilled nursing, and long-term care services to the residents of Delaware, Maryland, and neighboring Pennsylvania communities for over 20 years. Cadia Healthcare is one of Delmarva’s largest rehabilitation and skilled nursing provider, operating 5 facilities with 675 in-patient beds. In addition, we offer on-site dialysis, pulmonary care, and memory care at select locations. For more information, please click here.

We value and respect the population we serve by asking for their input and responding with empathy to their concerns. We are committed to using clear, consistent and direct communication, involving those who are affected by decisions and communicating before implementation so there are no surprises. We are loyal to our fellow employees by being kind and sharing positive observations.

We value results and creativity through dedicated employees who strive to meet the needs and expectations of the facility. We accept personal and professional responsibility for achieving the goals established for our organization and agree to treat each person with respect in a joint effort to build a cohesive team.

We foster an environment where free exchange of ideas is welcome and respect towards one another is expected. We will learn from the unique talents of all employees and honor the variety of backgrounds that each individual offers. We will exhibit the highest level of professionalism so our team can consistently produce the results that exceed expectations.