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Physical Therapist Assistants Salary in Claremont, NH

Average Annual salary $47,632.00

Average Hourly Salary $22.90

Population 12,955

Salary Range

25% $32.9 k10% $22.4 k90% $172.3 k75% $62.3 k $47.6 k50%(Median)

Physical Therapist Assistants Salary in Claremont, NH

About Physical Therapist Assistants

Physical therapist assistants work under the supervision of licensed physical therapists to help patients with injuries, illnesses, or disabilities to improve their physical functioning and reduce pain. They work with patients of all ages, from children to the elderly, in a variety of healthcare settings, including hospitals, outpatient clinics, and rehabilitation centers. The duties of physical therapist assistants may include assisting with patient evaluations, developing treatment plans, providing therapy, and documenting patient progress. To become a physical therapist assistant, individuals typically need to complete an associate's degree program and pass a certification exam. They may also be required to obtain state licensure to practice. Overall, physical therapist assistants play a vital role in the healthcare system by helping patients to improve their physical functioning and reduce pain. Their work helps to improve the quality of life of patients and can have a significant impact on overall health outcomes.

National salary Vs City Salary

In Claremont, NH Physical Therapist Assistants on an average earn $47,632.00 a year ($22.90 per hour)

In the US Physical Therapist Assistants on an average earn $61,180.00 a year ( $29.42 per hour)

$61.2k United States claremont, nh $47.6k$37.3k $80.2k

Physical Therapist Assistants Salary in Claremont, NH

- How much do Physical Therapist Assistants make in Claremont, NH?

In Claremont, NH a Physical Therapist Assistants makes on average $47,632.00 a year ($22.90 per hour)

- What do new Physical Therapist Assistants make in Claremont, NH?

In Claremont, NH entry-level Physical Therapist Assistants makes on average $18,241.60 a year ($8.77 per hour)

- What do experienced Physical Therapist Assistants make in Claremont, NH?

In Claremont, NH experienced Physical Therapist Assistants makes on average $77,022.40 a year ($37.03 per hour)

Salaries of Physical Therapist Assistants by State